Release Date: 2024-04-15
The initial version of the software is released with the following main features:
- Support for online editing of markdown documents
- Support for directly copying and pasting images into markdown documents
- Support for multilingual configuration
- Support for visual configuration of the navigation bar
- Support for visual configuration of the sidebar, including multiple sidebar configurations and automatic sidebar recognition
- Support for search configuration
- [Fixed] Problem where meta acquisition failed when switching home pages
- [Fixed] Abnormal problem while recognizing one-sided columns
- [Repair] Features cannot be switched normally when switching home pages
- [Modification] The default vitepres is changed to 1.1.3
Future Plans - Todo
- Implement AI integration for one-click translation of documents into multiple languages
- Implement shortcuts for command execution through the command line
- Add support for icons in homepage features (currently not supported)
- Provide more custom configuration options for markdown editors
- Internationalization support (currently only available in Chinese)